June 11, 2015

All PC games > Between the Worlds III

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Download PC games free - Between the Worlds IIIA world of magic and machines faces impending doom. The central machine, the heart of the world, accidentally stops. The central machine generated magical powers allowing the magical world to thrive. To escape an inevitable death without the magical powers, the inhabitants of the world hid in a safe haven where time does not exist. Gather the magical powers and find the rods of the four elements to fix the central machine and save the inhabitants of the magical world!

OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
CPU: 1.6 GHz Mhz
RAM: 512 MB

DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 208 MB
Cool PC games
Between the Worlds IIIBetween the Worlds IIIBetween the Worlds III

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